Teacher Salaries in United States
The teacher salaries in the united states depending on the state and region in which you serve as a teacher[wp_campaign_1]. In areas where the cost of living is lower than most, the average salary is well below the norm. . In areas where the cost of living is high, such as California and Connecticut, the average teacher makes just under $60,000. In South Dakota for instance, the average teacher makes just under $35,000
Teacher Salary in Australia
Teacher salary In Australia is highly respectable profession that is considered important to society. A beginning teacher's salary in Australia is roughly $41,109.00. . Naturally, higher salaries are earned for those with more than a four year degree. Salary in Australia, can range widely between each state of Australia and depends greatly upon location. A teacher will gradually earn more with years of teaching experience,.
Teacher Salary in the United Kingdom
A teacher in the United Kingdom can easily have a good career where enough money is earned to live upon. They are either allowed to get the Main Pay or they can achieve the Upper Pay. The profession of teacher is well regarded as extremely important in the United Kingdom. When converted to dollars, the average beginning teacher salary in the United Kingdom is $34,488.00. Such determinations of which pay scale they will be allowed to have is based upon educational achievements and job performance..
Teacher Salary in Canada
The new teacher's salaries in Canada differ greatly according to which province they are teaching in. The average new teacher salary is $30,000.00. Considering the social security into account, teachers in Canada may achieve a good standard of living.There are customarily some extra benefits, such as maternity leave, dental insurance and paid time off for illness. As required by Canadian law Teachers in Canada must pay into the Federal programs for social security, which include unemployment and pension.
Teacher Salary in China
Teachers in China earn approximately $17,675. This number came about according to a government examination of the following factors: price of living, cost of housing, cost of health care and transportation costs. This is different than what a regular teacher makes in China, but special considerations are given to the fact that foreign teachers can often earn far higher salaries elsewhere..
Various measures to be taken into account when concerning what kind of lives teachers have on the salaries that they earn in various countries around the world. The above is some information about the teaching salaries across the world. Specifically, teacher salaries in Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and China are all compared. It is interesting to see the range in the salaries as compared among countries. However, a very important point to consider when really thinking about teacher's lifestyles in these various countries is the standard of living, as opposed to just considering a numerical dollar amount.
Source: http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/salaries/